1 July 2019

RPK Module D

RPK MODULE D | ‘Rheology & Polymer Processing’ (6 ECTS) | 2023
Next RPK Module D | Autumn 2025


The RPK-programme is designed for engineers, academic and industrial researchers. To attend the RPK module D ‘Rheology & Polymer Processing’, you are expected to have a master’s degree (or equivalent) in chemistry, chemical engineering, physics or a related subject. As pre-requisite, having passed basic (bachelor-level) courses in polymer chemistry and/or polymer physics at the academic level are strongly recommended.


During this module you will gain comprehensive insights into the innovative advancements in computational rheology, polymer processing modeling, and the accurate prediction of mechanical properties in polymer products.


If you successfully complete RPK module D, you will be aware of the state of the art of what is possible nowadays in computational rheology, in the modelling of polymer processing and in the prediction of mechanical properties of polymeric products as they are influenced by the full thermo-mechanical history during processing. You will understand the success of the modern approaches to circumvent extensive trial and error processes and replace them by a numerical-experimental method that is based on model understanding.


Prof.dr.ir. Patrick Anderson (TU/e)
For more information
Phone: +31 (0)40 751 7670
E-mail: rpk@ptn.nu
Registration fee RPK
Payment and cancellation
Examinations and certificates
The coordinators of Module D will provide information on the examination procedure during the course of the module. If you have any questions regarding the starting level for the RPK module, please contact the coordinators.
Please note, that all RPK courses will take place on location and not online.
The RPK-programme is organized by PTG/e. The RPK-programme is an initiative and under the auspices of PTN.