3 July 2019

CT Module 1

CT MODULE 1  | 2024
Polymer Chemistry, Physics &
 Material Properties & Colloid Systems (3 ECTS)
Next CT Module 1 | Spring 2025

The following topics are covered in this introductory module: introduction to polymer chemistry, polymer physics and emulsion polymerization, and applied colloidal and surface chemistry. The first part of the module is a review of the basic concepts of polymer chemistry and polymer physics. In the second part of the module, the chemical and physical aspects of various systems and surfaces are dealt with. Additionally, attention is paid to the mechanical and visco-elastic properties of polymers in general and cured coatings in particular. Module 1 provides the student with the polymer chemistry and physics basics that are essential for the level of integration required in the interdisciplinary field of coating technology.

The aim of the CT programme is to efficiently train R&D chemists, physicists and mechanical engineers who work on coatings, and want to advance and increase their knowledge of coatings. The programme is also recommended for participants who have followed a Higher Vocational Training (HBO), and have some years of experience in coatings R&D. The emphasis of the programme is to broaden and deepen knowledge and/or to bring the participants up to date on new developments in the field of coatings. Acquiring specific knowledge and skills gives CT participants a better understanding of coating technology in general. 

This module is concluded with an open book examination (not obligatory). After passing the exam successfully, you will be awarded the Module 1 certificate. After completing all modules successfully, you will be awarded the 'Coating Technologist' certificate & Pin from the PTN.

To be determined

Re-sit of examination:
To be determined

To be determined

Dr. Laurent Nelissen
More information links:
Registration fee Coating Technology (CT)
Payment and cancellation
Examinations and certificate
Books module 1

Please note, that all CT trainings will take place on location and not online.
The module continues from 10 participants.
P.O. Box 6284
5600 HG Eindhoven
Phone: +31 (0)40 751 76 70
E-mail: oct@ptn.nu