PTN is key-sponsor of the Brightlands Polymer Days 2024!
PTN is sponsor of 2nd edition of the Brightlands Polymer Days 2024 (BPD24) at Brightlands Chemelot Campus on May 27 and 28, 2024. A unique convergence of industrial and academic, senior and junior scientists in the field of polymer science, will explore the latest advancements across four key categories:
• Circular and Sustainable Polymers: Discover biobased materials, bonding, debonding, and biodegradability.
• Energy: Explore energy harvesting, storage, transport, and efficiency.
• Health: Dive into hydrogels, drug delivery, bio-printing, and tissue engineering.
• New Insights: Uncover breakthroughs in synthesis, characterization/methods, and theory.
See here the BPD24 programme.
During BPD 2024 prof.dr. Bert (E.W.) Meijer will receive the PTN Medema Award 2024.
Next upcoming Dutch Polymer Days 2025!
Dutch Polymer Days 2023 - 20th edition!
The Dutch Polymer Days were a resounding success! Thank you all for your participation! We look forward to seeing everyone
again in the future and continuing to push the boundaries of Polymer Science & Technology together!
PTN Board: Jan van Hest (TU/e), Katja Loos (RuG), Rint Sijbesma (TU/e) and Laurent Nelissen (PTG/e).
Participants Dutch Polymer Days 2023
Winners DPD 2023
Winner PTN Medema Lecture Award
Prof. Axel Müller - University of Mainz - Germany
Granted by Prof. Jan van Hest
(TU/e, chairman PTN)
Winner Plenary Lecture Award:
Annemarie Maan - RuG
Poster Presentation Winners:
Chemistry: Tankut Türel - TU/e
Biomedical: Yudong Li - TU/e
Physics & Theory: Lars Veldscholte - UT
Technology: Miisa Tavaststjerna - TUD
Workshop Presentation Winners:
Chemistry: Sophie van Lange - WUR
Biomedical: Riccardo Bellan - TU/e
Physics & Theory: Thijs Egelmeers - TU/e
Technology: Marcin Sęk - UT
Winner Challa Polymer Award 2023
Jeroen Sol PhD - TNO/Holst Centre
Granted by em. Prof. Ger Challa (RuG)
Brightlands Polymer Days 2021
Brightlands Polymer Days 2021 is a scientific conference in the field of polymer science and technology. It is a collaboration and organised by the Belgian Polymer Group, KNCV Macromolecular Division, PTN, the former Dutch Polymer Days and Brightlands Rolduc Polymer Conference. These partners have joined forces to start a new scientific conference where academia, from student to Nobel Prize winner, and industry can meet.
The congress theme is 'Innovative Polymer Materials for a Sustainable Future'. Abstracts can be submitted (as from now) within the following topics: mobility - energy - health - circularity.
For more detailed information: please visit the conference website
Furthermore, the PTN Medema Lecture award will be granted to Prof. Dr. Brigitte Voit (Leipniz IPF Dresden).
Dutch Polymer Days 2020
Because of Covid-19 the Dutch Polymer Days 2020 were cancelled.
Dutch Polymer Days 2019
Since 2000, the Dutch Polymer community assembles in Lunteren (NL) for the so-called "Dutch Polymer Days" (DPD), a two-day annual conference conference in different areas of polymers: Chemistry, Physics, Technology, Processing, BioMaterials & BioProcesses.
Primary objective of DPD is to encourage young researchers (PhD- & PDEng-students and post doctoral fellows) to present their work in plenary lectures, workshops lectures and a poster session, to a wide audience.
Moreover, some world-class high profile speakers are invited, among which the PTN Medema Lecture award winner. This award is given to world-leading polymer scientists with a strong connection to the Dutch polymer science community.
click here for full programme DPD-2019
![Winner DPD 2019](
Winner PTN Medema Lecture Award 2019
Prof. Olli Ikkala
Aalto University - Helsinki, Finland
granted by Prof. Jan van Hest
(TU/e, chairman PTN)
![Winner Medema Award 2019](
Winner Plenary Lecture Award
Ms. Ellen van Heeswijk (TU/e)
Winners Workshop Awards
Chemistry: Mr. Milad Golkaram (RuG)
Biomedical: Ms. Blessing Ilochunwu (UU)
Physics & Theory: Ms. Shari Finner (TU/e)
Technology: Mr. Leonid Pasthukov (TU/e)
Winners Poster Awards
Chemistry: Ms. Patricia Marin (TU/e)
Biomedical: Mr. Bram Zoetebier (UT)
Physics & Theory: Mr. Justin Tauber (WUR)
Technology: Mr. Giorgos Kafkopoulus (UT)
![Challa Award Dutch Polymer Days](
Winner Challa Polymer Award 2019 Anne Hélène Gélébart
(SABIC - former TU/e PhD-student)
granted by em. Prof. Ger Challa (RuG)